Time to light up your entry!

Tiberius Wall Lights on Monument Satin/Matt Home.

Sometimes the number one place we use the most, numerous times a day is often forgotten about! Your entry way, front door is a place that needs to stand out, be secure but also needs to be lit the correct way! Having the right light ticks off all three of these points. The correct light […]

Let’s explore some outdoor spaces, Summer is just around the corner

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Summer is just around the corner, let’s explore some inspiration for outdoor spaces featuring our barn lights. Having the right lighting helps to create the atmosphere of the space and ensures you can spend the long summer nights out side as long as possible! All Barn Light products are hardy and long-lasting at the best […]

Rachael Turner – Front Porch properties

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Here at Barn light Australia we love when our customers return numerous times, such as Rachael Turner from Front Porch Properties. Our goal and passion is to provide a product that keeps you coming back, due to the quality and design on offer. We recently asked Rachael to sit down and tell us a bit […]

Our lights are hand crafted right here in Australia!

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Ever wonder how we make our Barn lights? Well to start with we make them here, that’s right, here in Australia! We are proud to boost that we are an Australian owned company, and we hand craft all our lights in our warehouse in Melbourne, Victoria. We take provide in crafting our lights to the […]